One caveat - anal beads. Make sure the loop is fairly sturdy otherwise it may get sucked up the ass during sexual activity, as I discovered many years ago. Same with butt plugs - the base needs to be fairly wide otherwise it may end up disappearing somewhere from which it is hard to retrieve.

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Yup, just spent months researching this for an anal toys guide- those loops aren't worth a damn, securely tie a LONG ribbon to them if you must. I do know someone who ended up in ER using a plug with a small round jewel base- the advice I got was go for the T bar base, base should be wider than plug itself, and the stem should not taper downward to the base. And if something does get lost- go to the ER immediately instead of trying to get it out yourself.

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Oh man....I just interviewed 4 different clinicians (a GI doc, an anal surgeon, a former ER doc and an Ostomy nurse) about what leads to anal-related ER visits as a research for the Wirecutter buttplug guide and...there will be a post. Whenever people act like the NYT is being frivoulous by hiring me to write a guide to safer anal toys, I point them to this. Without education, people end up with horrible life altering injuries.

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Title alone makes this something I have to read 👌

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